Sabbath School Classes
We offer several Bible Study classes on Saturday mornings that we call Sabbath School covering from birth to adult. Each class begins at 9:30am and goes until 10:30am. Please see the different options below and see which one you like the best.
Cradle Roll (ages 0 – 2) Beyond Courtyard
Kindergarten (age 3 – 1st grade) In Courtyard
Primary (2nd – 4th grade) In Courtyard
Juniors (5th – 7th grade) In Courtyard
Youth (8th grade and up) Across from Sanctuary
“A Conversation about the Scriptures: The Book of Colossians” – Meets in Fellowship Hall Room #1 at 9:30am
The primary purpose of the class is a verse by verse, chapter by chapter study of the scriptures with the focus on a single book of the Bible at a time. A free exchange of ideas and questions is encouraged and seeks to find a practical everyday application of the scriptures being studied. Led out by Jeff Pierson and Brian Toppel.
“Adult Sabbath School Quarterly” – Meets in the Sanctuary at 9:30am
A study of the current Adult Sabbath School Quarterly. Led out by Robinson Bende. Meets in the Sanctuary. Current topic: The Great Controversy. Read it online here.