Who Are Seventh-day Adventists?
The Auburn Seventh-day Adventist church belongs to a global church of Adventists that reach around the world. Our ultimate desire as a church is to share God’s life-transforming love. That is why Seventh-day Adventists are focused on life-change. We believe that what we share with the world is life-transforming in positive ways and that it is a privilege to share it with others.
Here’s a brief video explaining that our church is part of a larger body of people of over 20+ million around the world worshiping the God who loves and cares deeply for everyone.
Our Name
Our name comes from our observance of the seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath as the day of rest and our belief in the soon second coming (Advent) of Jesus to take us all home to be with Him.
The Sabbath
The Bible tells us that after God created the world in six days He rested on the first Sabbath day, not because He was exhausted from His work of creation, but because He was deeply satisfied with what he had accomplished. To celebrate His Creation, He set the seventh day apart as weekly anniversary of what He had done. The Sabbath is a wonderful blessing God declared for the world right after He finished creating it. In essence, He gave everyone permission to stop what they’re doing and just enjoy the world He made, the life He made.
In the Fourth Commandment he reminds us of that gift and asks us to celebrate it with Him every week. That is why we choose to observe the “Sabbath” – a 24 hour period from sundown Friday evening to sundown Saturday evening. We put aside our normal work, the clamor and pressures of every day life and our self-interests and focus on worship, fellowship, rest and relaxation, helping others and studying the Bible. We find that God’s promise in Isaiah 58:13 is really true and that when we begin to delight in the Sabbath it opens the door to a delightful relationship with him we experience in no other way. That’s why we love to share about Sabbath with others!
Three Cores of Adventists

At the heart of each pursuit is the sense that human life, no matter how frail or fleeting, is of great value and this value is appreciated when one life becomes truly aware of another. Every heart wants to be cherished, every mind understood and every voice heard. We are known more completely and loved more deeply by our Creator than in any human experience. READ MORE

Relationships of love and mutual respect have always been a part of our Creators plan for us as well. In the harmonious balance between a healthy mind, a strong body and meaningful relationships that result in a joyful spirit, Seventh-day Adventists see vitality at its best. Although we live in a broken world we can still have life in abundance through Jesus. READ MORE

The ultimate demonstration of love is to serve. Setting aside our own agendas, in service we live out our commitment to the well being of others, often to our own discomfort. Every day the Spirit of God motivates people to act in selflessness and self sacrifice to change the world that others face from a place of hopelessness to one of hope. READ MORE

To learn more about Seventh-day Adventists and their beliefs please contact us, visit us in person or visit here.