You are welcome to join us in-person or online for worship on Saturday’s. Sabbath School/Bible Study begins at 9:30am and the Worship Service begins at 10:45am. If you can’t attend in-person or not feeling well, you are welcome to join us for the church live stream starting at 10:45am on our church Facebook and YouTube pages.
T H E   A U B U R N  S E V E N T H – D A Y  A D V E N T I S T   C H U R C H

We are passionate in sharing God’s love and goodness to everyone around us

We are a vivacious, loving, Christ-centered Christian community. We accept the Bible as our only source of our beliefs. We believe that God saves people by grace alone and that it is best received by faith alone. We are a people learning to live and love like Jesus. We are passionate in sharing God’s love and goodness to everyone around us. We are a people eagerly anticipating Jesus’ soon return. (click here for our full doctrinal statement)
O U R   R E A S O N   F O R   E X I S T E N C E 

Our Mission

We are a church that makes disciples who make disciples until Jesus returns.


We Gather to Worship

We gather to worship God with our entire being, inviting people to love and worship Him and experience His presence.

We Grow in Relationships

We grow in our understanding and application of God’s love in our relationships with Him and with people.

We Glow in Service

We glow with God’s love in our witness and service so that He is glorified through us.
we help our community
Through the Auburn Renewal Center &
Adventist Community Services

Interested in Volunteering/Joining a Ministry?

Please send us a message on the right and we’ll get back to you soon. 

New Here?

The Auburn Seventh-day Adventist Church is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.
Our Purpose
Values & Objectives
M A I N   G O A L
“Jesus came that we might experience life to the full (John 10:10). We are passionate about introducing people to Jesus.”

Pastor Mel Baga

Lead Pastor


Our Pastoral Team

Mel Baga
Lead Pastor
Adam Weeks
Youth Pastor

C H U R C H   M E D I A

Recent Teachings


How Has the Auburn Church Impacted You?

My family is proud to be part of the Auburn SDA Church. This is not a group who claim to be perfect, but who know we serve a perfect God. We joined this church because of the love we could see among the church members as well as love for the community.”     -Julie

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“How Has the Auburn Church Impacted You?”

“From the first day my family and I stepped into the doors of this wonderful church we were accepted and welcomed. I have no doubt that God has led us here to bring my family closer to him.”  -Will
“A loving, happy family and we love the Pastor’s messages! Great place for families and anyone for that matter!”  -Cheryl

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F R O M   T H E   B L O G

Recent Articles

Hindsight is 2020

By Pastor Dana Rae De Tar
Hindsight is always 2020. That statement has never been truer. Like most of us I looked forward to 2020 just for the novelty of the number. There was something about the change of the decade that made last New Year stand out above other New Years that I have experienced. Not because of anything special that 2020 promised; as far as I knew, it was going to be just like the last year.

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A Year of Full

By Pastor Dana Rae De Tar
To think that this year is nearly over. As I look back on this year, I compare it to John 10:10 as it says “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy’ I have come that they may have live, and have it to the full.” The Christmas season is a whirlwind of one holiday after another but I find it fitting that we have just celebrated the coming of Christ and are now entering into a season to reflect upon what the past year has held and the next year will hold. As I reflect upon this past year, my first full year on staff at Auburn Church, I see an abundant and full life lived.

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For an uplifting sermon for your daily walk of life.  
Weekly every Saturday at 10:45am.
All are welcome to join us online via our Facebook or YouTube page (@AuburnSDAChurch) or listen to the audio sermons through the link below.
If you have any ideas for a possible future sermon topic, please fill out the form at aubsda.org/sermonrequest.  
 Be the Light in Your Community


“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” -Matthew 5:14

C O N T A C T   F O R M

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Contact Info

Auburn Seventh-day Adventist Church  

Address: 12225 Rock Creek Rd. Auburn, CA 95602

Phone: 530.885.4232 Email: office@aubsda.net


Auburn Adventist Community Services

Address: 12225 Rock Creek Rd. Auburn, CA 95602

Phone: 530.823.0345 Monday 9am-Noon: Unsheltered (Showers)

Tuesday 9am-Noon: Families (Food and Clothing) 

Auburn Renewal Center
Address: 12225 Rock Creek Rd. Auburn, CA 95602 Phone: 530.887.8673
Website: www.auburnclinic.org   Tuesday: 9am-Noon
Visit and Connect With us on Facebook.